quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2007

Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear: Black Thorn

Black Thorn is the latest terrorist group to challenge Rainbow. By recreating some of the most infamous terrorist incidents in history, its diabolical leader, once rejected for mental imbalance from Team Rainbow, plans to destroy Rainbow once and for all... And it's up to Team Rainbow to save the day.

This stand-alone expansion pack (does NOT require Rogue Spear to play) has new weapons, new multiplayer maps, and new missions rounds out this latest (and probably last) expansion pack for the Rogue Spear franchise.

Rogue Spear, the sequel to Rainbow Six, is a tactical shooter that emphasize coordination and tactics. In the one-shot-you're-dead world, you have to save the hostages and take down the tangoes (terrorists) by selecting the right members, outfit them with the right tools, then execute the plan in first-person perspective.

http://d.turboupload.com/d/392286/RA...rt1.rar .html
http://d.turboupload.com/d/386716/RA...rt2.rar .html